Thursday 19 May 2011

The story...

After rethinking the story of the animation I decided to make the film an advertisement. It will advertise a company, 'Enchanted Creations'. This is a new fictional manufacturer of Irish dance costumes.

The first scene will be set in an old living room, many years ago. A leprechaun sits by a coal fire sewing some material by hand. This painstaking process will eventually produce a traditional Irish dance costume. The clock on the wall is going round and round and words come on screen, 'Tick, tock, tick, tock.' The camera will focus on the clock as it ticks away very slowly, showing the length of time the process takes.

All of a sudden a tardis, like the one shown in the 'Dr. Who' series appears on set. The leprechaun stands up, alarmed. He walks towards the tardis to examine this strange object. After a while he walks around it and finds the door ajar. Cautiously he walks inside and suddenly the door closes behind him. The tardis starts to spin round and round and lifts from the ground.

The screen blacks out for a second. The sparkling text, 'Enchanted Creations' appears. The tardis begins dropping down the screen, still spinning into another room. This set will be full of sparkle and glitz.

The leprechaun steps out of the tardis into another world full of diamonds, sequins and bling! He looks aound in amazement at this magical sight.  The mannequin in the room stands proudly modelling a fantastic creation - an 'Enchanted Creation'. This ultra modern Irish dancing dress is made from the finest materials, full of diamontes and extremely eyecatching.

A magic wand with a sparkling star appears above the dress. This is the 'Enchanted Creations' logo. As the wand casts its magic spell sliver gitter fills the set. All around diamonds and glitter are dancing around. The wand has made the set come to life.

On screen appears a pair of eyes and a mouth. The mouths moves, as if speaking and the 'Enchanted Creations' slogan appears letter by letter, 'Experience the magic'. The final shot is a picture of the logo on screen.

Exploring Celtic Type

Some skectches